Friday, 28 March 2008

I Forget...

I forget that it's not only me who reads this blog.

It's not 'just' a blog. It's a diary... and sometimes when I sit down at the computer to write I'm happy. Other times I might be just plain tired and irritable. It's pot luck, I suppose. I do wear my heart on my sleeve.

But what I hope I'd never do is to upset someone.

One of my customers read my blog and emailed me to let me know... and was concerned about something she'd read. I sincerely hope that she wasn't upset. I would never, ever want to upset anyone. Customer or not. It's just not in me to do that to people.

You see, I write as I speak. So, it may be that I know what I mean... but it can be misconstrued, because I haven't explained myself properly. And that's often because I frequently sit down and write a few lines, just before I go to bed at stupid o'clock, having just finished the cake.

So, if you're reading this - and you know who you are - I hope I didn't upset you. I truly enjoyed making your cake.

Suzanne x

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