A customer's just collected a cake and it was such a joy to make.
She's a foster carer and had a little girl in her care for 10 months, since she was a couple of days old. The baby is now with adoptive parents, but they very much want to keep the foster carer as part of the little girl's life.
The foster carer told the adoptive parents that she would like to provide the first birthday cake.
She told me that too much is not enough, LOL!! She wants a BIG cake, with lots of pink, lots of lilac, lots of hearts and lots and lots of edible glitter!!!
So the cake was 15" in length and sat upon a board that was 24" (yes, 2 foot!!) long. She really wanted to incorporate two of my cake designs - the number 1 that I frequently do and the building blocks cake that I made for my niece's 1st birthday in 2003 (http://www.patacake-parties.com/Emily's%20building%20blocks%20cake.jpg) so we decided to do blocks of sugarpaste, instead of more cake.
It was a b*gger to get those building blocks done. I'm going to have to come up with some other way to get perfect cubes. The ones I did were OK. But they weren't all perfect cubes and not completely identical in size. I spent, literally, hours doing the building blocks. You'd never think it! I got to bed at 1.30am and then still had to do the inscription this morning and make the teddy bear!
Still, she was thrilled with it when she collected it and at the end of the day, that's all that matters to me.
Suzanne x
Friday, 28 March 2008
I Forget...
I forget that it's not only me who reads this blog.
It's not 'just' a blog. It's a diary... and sometimes when I sit down at the computer to write I'm happy. Other times I might be just plain tired and irritable. It's pot luck, I suppose. I do wear my heart on my sleeve.
But what I hope I'd never do is to upset someone.
One of my customers read my blog and emailed me to let me know... and was concerned about something she'd read. I sincerely hope that she wasn't upset. I would never, ever want to upset anyone. Customer or not. It's just not in me to do that to people.
You see, I write as I speak. So, it may be that I know what I mean... but it can be misconstrued, because I haven't explained myself properly. And that's often because I frequently sit down and write a few lines, just before I go to bed at stupid o'clock, having just finished the cake.
So, if you're reading this - and you know who you are - I hope I didn't upset you. I truly enjoyed making your cake.
Suzanne x
It's not 'just' a blog. It's a diary... and sometimes when I sit down at the computer to write I'm happy. Other times I might be just plain tired and irritable. It's pot luck, I suppose. I do wear my heart on my sleeve.
But what I hope I'd never do is to upset someone.
One of my customers read my blog and emailed me to let me know... and was concerned about something she'd read. I sincerely hope that she wasn't upset. I would never, ever want to upset anyone. Customer or not. It's just not in me to do that to people.
You see, I write as I speak. So, it may be that I know what I mean... but it can be misconstrued, because I haven't explained myself properly. And that's often because I frequently sit down and write a few lines, just before I go to bed at stupid o'clock, having just finished the cake.
So, if you're reading this - and you know who you are - I hope I didn't upset you. I truly enjoyed making your cake.
Suzanne x
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Starting Young!
Customer came to collect the ITNG cake this morning.
She was in a bit of a rush - so it was literally an 'in and out' visit! However, just as she was leaving, Daniel - my 6 year old - pipes up in a little voice "Mummy, did you tell her about the sticks in the people?"
Goodness me! I'd forgotten to tell her that there was spaghetti through the centre of the characters to help keep them stable.
I'd no idea that he'd taken in that sort of information when previous customers had collected cakes!
What a star!
She was in a bit of a rush - so it was literally an 'in and out' visit! However, just as she was leaving, Daniel - my 6 year old - pipes up in a little voice "Mummy, did you tell her about the sticks in the people?"
Goodness me! I'd forgotten to tell her that there was spaghetti through the centre of the characters to help keep them stable.
I'd no idea that he'd taken in that sort of information when previous customers had collected cakes!
What a star!
I forgot to say.... Before and After
My Auntie Linda was over from Canada a couple of weeks ago. She was here for 3½ weeks, but unfortunately, she went back home just before her birthday.
A day or two before Auntie went home, my mum popped round. "Are you busy?" she asked. "No. Why?" "Can you do something with this? They didn't have much at all to choose from. We're having a little birthday get-together for your aunt tonight. I don't know what you use... maybe some spray or something? But it needs some colour, don't you think?"
I hadn't started dinner yet. Matthew had club that night. I didn't have a chance to do much. This is the best I could come up with, under the circumstances! I 'painted' the scrolls already on the cake. I already had the hearts and stars on wires, so I lightly brushed them with confectioner's glaze and then dipped them in edible glitter. I piped the inscription in white and then painted over that, so that it would match the scrolls. And the whole thing had a light spray with the spray on pearly stuff!
It was a bl**dy horrible thing to work on. The first 'posy pick' I used (that's a little plastic thing that you put the wires into, then you put that into the cake... you mustn't put wires directly into a cake!) was deeper than the flippin' cake was! I had to use a teeny-weeny one.
A day or two before Auntie went home, my mum popped round. "Are you busy?" she asked. "No. Why?" "Can you do something with this? They didn't have much at all to choose from. We're having a little birthday get-together for your aunt tonight. I don't know what you use... maybe some spray or something? But it needs some colour, don't you think?"
I hadn't started dinner yet. Matthew had club that night. I didn't have a chance to do much. This is the best I could come up with, under the circumstances! I 'painted' the scrolls already on the cake. I already had the hearts and stars on wires, so I lightly brushed them with confectioner's glaze and then dipped them in edible glitter. I piped the inscription in white and then painted over that, so that it would match the scrolls. And the whole thing had a light spray with the spray on pearly stuff!
It was a bl**dy horrible thing to work on. The first 'posy pick' I used (that's a little plastic thing that you put the wires into, then you put that into the cake... you mustn't put wires directly into a cake!) was deeper than the flippin' cake was! I had to use a teeny-weeny one.

ITNG Finished
It's done.
I'm really happy with how the models have turned out, but I'm just a bit worried about one of the things sticking out of Upsy Daisy's head. It looks as if it may drop off! But if I don't touch it, maybe it'll be ok by the morning? Fingers crossed.
I'm going to photograph the cake in the morning, so check out the blog and my 'proper' website for pics!
I'm happy I got it all done today - even the inscription - but I'm still a bit unhappy that I spent the entire bank holiday doing it.
Suzanne x
I'm really happy with how the models have turned out, but I'm just a bit worried about one of the things sticking out of Upsy Daisy's head. It looks as if it may drop off! But if I don't touch it, maybe it'll be ok by the morning? Fingers crossed.
I'm going to photograph the cake in the morning, so check out the blog and my 'proper' website for pics!
I'm happy I got it all done today - even the inscription - but I'm still a bit unhappy that I spent the entire bank holiday doing it.
Suzanne x
Friday, 21 March 2008
I forgot to say, originally, the cake was supposed to be for Wednesday 26th. Then the customer emailed me to say 'can I pick it up on Saturday?' So I said 'is it actually required for Wednesday?' - thinking that it would be getting stale by the Wednesday. She replied back that, no, it was for Sunday. So I said that she told me she wanted it for Wednesday 26th (that's what's on the order form), but I could do it for the Saturday. However, what I hadn't remembered is that Friday (today) is a bank holiday. So Steve's off work, the boys are off school AND I'M WORKING!!!! Not happy at all.
We have been out for a couple of hours. But we couldn't really 'do' much, if you know what I mean?
Anyway, the cake is covered. Iggle Piggle is made. Now I just need to make Makka Pakka, Upsy Daisy and do the inscription. Doesn't sound a lot, when you put it like that, but I won't get to bed until stupid o'clock again. And I'm really tired already.
We have been out for a couple of hours. But we couldn't really 'do' much, if you know what I mean?
Anyway, the cake is covered. Iggle Piggle is made. Now I just need to make Makka Pakka, Upsy Daisy and do the inscription. Doesn't sound a lot, when you put it like that, but I won't get to bed until stupid o'clock again. And I'm really tired already.
Thursday, 20 March 2008
I've got a cake to do. 10" round, with In The Night Garden characters on top. I've baked the cake, but can I find the energy/motivation to start the characters? Nope! :o( It's being collected on Saturday morning, and I'm out for a while tomorrow, so I really ought to pull my finger out.
I will.
I will.
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Oh Ye of Little Faith
I should have more faith in my abilities by now.
The cake turned out great. Well, I think so.
Hubby suggested I put a wide band around the bottom of the cake, to hide where it had torn. So that's what I did, and then added cut-outs in the shape of the 4 suits of cards, in gold. Because I did this, I left off the gold swags. It would have looked too much. I haven't heard back from them. But I hope they liked it.
The cake turned out great. Well, I think so.
Hubby suggested I put a wide band around the bottom of the cake, to hide where it had torn. So that's what I did, and then added cut-outs in the shape of the 4 suits of cards, in gold. Because I did this, I left off the gold swags. It would have looked too much. I haven't heard back from them. But I hope they liked it.
Friday, 14 March 2008
Why oh Why???
Why do things never go smoothly when you really need them to?
Baked the 12" square cake last night. Fine. But it didn't rise quite as much as my cakes usually do. This morning I torted it, filled it and then covered it with marzipan. It didn't look 'flat' but it didn't look as impressive as my cakes usually do.
Anyway, I'd promised a friend of mine that I'd go to lunch to celebrate her 40th birthday.... it was only a casual thing with a few of us, and it was in the pub restaurant that's right near the boys' school. So instead of working right through from about 10am - 1.30pm, I finished at 12.15pm so I could meet her.
Anyway, once we were home from school, I discovered that I didn't have any of the varnish thinning stuff that I needed. So I had to round the kids up into the car and then drive to Romford (a good 20 minute journey each way). Thank G-d for my mum! She had the boys for me (because they really didn't want to come). Considering I only needed a few quid's worth of stuff, how did I manage to spend £26? I always do that! :o Anyway, whilst I was there, I bought a 12" square cake drum and I put the cake on that and then iced it, right the way down to the bottom. It definitely helps in giving it more height! It's a bit naughty and it's not, if you know what I mean? I asked the lady in the cake shop and she said people do it all the time. (But to my mind, I shouldn't have to, if you know what I mean?)
Oh yes, on the way back from Romford - seeing as Mum had the boys for me - I stopped in at the police station to report my phone lost. I WAITED OVER AN HOUR. And when I was seen, I was told that I needed my IMEI number. The PC kindly said that I could do it over the phone, if she got me to sign the declaration now. So that was another hour down the pan! Agghhhhhhhh!
Anyway, cake is covered. It looks shite. At the moment. But then, at this stage, it frequently does. The icing has ripped near the bottom, so I'm thinking of how I'm going to disguise this. I don't need this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm tired. I have prepared absolutely sod all for dinner, so it's take away - again. I feel like such a bad wife and mother right now.
Anyway, I'm sure it will all be ok in the end. I bloody well hope so, anyway.
Baked the 12" square cake last night. Fine. But it didn't rise quite as much as my cakes usually do. This morning I torted it, filled it and then covered it with marzipan. It didn't look 'flat' but it didn't look as impressive as my cakes usually do.
Anyway, I'd promised a friend of mine that I'd go to lunch to celebrate her 40th birthday.... it was only a casual thing with a few of us, and it was in the pub restaurant that's right near the boys' school. So instead of working right through from about 10am - 1.30pm, I finished at 12.15pm so I could meet her.
Anyway, once we were home from school, I discovered that I didn't have any of the varnish thinning stuff that I needed. So I had to round the kids up into the car and then drive to Romford (a good 20 minute journey each way). Thank G-d for my mum! She had the boys for me (because they really didn't want to come). Considering I only needed a few quid's worth of stuff, how did I manage to spend £26? I always do that! :o Anyway, whilst I was there, I bought a 12" square cake drum and I put the cake on that and then iced it, right the way down to the bottom. It definitely helps in giving it more height! It's a bit naughty and it's not, if you know what I mean? I asked the lady in the cake shop and she said people do it all the time. (But to my mind, I shouldn't have to, if you know what I mean?)
Oh yes, on the way back from Romford - seeing as Mum had the boys for me - I stopped in at the police station to report my phone lost. I WAITED OVER AN HOUR. And when I was seen, I was told that I needed my IMEI number. The PC kindly said that I could do it over the phone, if she got me to sign the declaration now. So that was another hour down the pan! Agghhhhhhhh!
Anyway, cake is covered. It looks shite. At the moment. But then, at this stage, it frequently does. The icing has ripped near the bottom, so I'm thinking of how I'm going to disguise this. I don't need this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm tired. I have prepared absolutely sod all for dinner, so it's take away - again. I feel like such a bad wife and mother right now.
Anyway, I'm sure it will all be ok in the end. I bloody well hope so, anyway.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Have I mentioned how nice my house smells, when I have a fruit cake baking?
9" round fruit cake, for a first holy communion in May.
I put it in the oven at 10.30 this morning. So it's had 4½ hours so far, at 125c. I should be back from picking the boys up from school at about 4 o'clock, so I'll check it then.
Tomorrow night I will bake the 12" square cake that I need to decorate all day/night on Friday, and deliver on Saturday morning. I've done the playing cards for that cake. They look quite good. I'm going to attempt swags on that cake. Watch this space!!!!
Suzanne x
9" round fruit cake, for a first holy communion in May.
I put it in the oven at 10.30 this morning. So it's had 4½ hours so far, at 125c. I should be back from picking the boys up from school at about 4 o'clock, so I'll check it then.
Tomorrow night I will bake the 12" square cake that I need to decorate all day/night on Friday, and deliver on Saturday morning. I've done the playing cards for that cake. They look quite good. I'm going to attempt swags on that cake. Watch this space!!!!
Suzanne x
Friday, 7 March 2008
Chocolate Cake Cooking.....
Good grief! How long???
I put it in the oven at just before twenty to ten.
I've just this second taken it out (ten to one!)
It's all very well and good baking cakes at a lower temperature (I much prefer the texture) but I didn't think it would take over 3 hours to bake a 10" square chocolate cake. I did put rather a lot of evaporated milk in it... maybe I'll try a wee dram less next time?
Right, my bed is calling me. I'm shattered.
I put it in the oven at just before twenty to ten.
I've just this second taken it out (ten to one!)
It's all very well and good baking cakes at a lower temperature (I much prefer the texture) but I didn't think it would take over 3 hours to bake a 10" square chocolate cake. I did put rather a lot of evaporated milk in it... maybe I'll try a wee dram less next time?
Right, my bed is calling me. I'm shattered.
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Carrot Cake - The Final Verdict
They went mad for it!
They couldn't get over what a beautifully moist cake it was!
It was a huge success! And, actually, it was very nice indeed. I can honestly say I've never seen birthday cake disappear like that. There were 12 of us, and the cake went in about 5 or 10 minutes! The picture below was what was left. That was a 7" carrot cake, a 4" chocolate cake and a 4" lemon cake. Admittedly, my aunt and her friend who were there, wrapped a couple of bits up to take home! But even so!

They couldn't get over what a beautifully moist cake it was!
It was a huge success! And, actually, it was very nice indeed. I can honestly say I've never seen birthday cake disappear like that. There were 12 of us, and the cake went in about 5 or 10 minutes! The picture below was what was left. That was a 7" carrot cake, a 4" chocolate cake and a 4" lemon cake. Admittedly, my aunt and her friend who were there, wrapped a couple of bits up to take home! But even so!

I'm a very happy bunny!!!!
Sarah's Birthday Cake
It's finished.
I'm soooo pleased with it.
OK, so there's a chance the actual cake may taste like kak, but at least it looks good! LOL! ;o)
I'll photograph it later and put it on my website and the other Blog!
Suzanne x
I'm soooo pleased with it.
OK, so there's a chance the actual cake may taste like kak, but at least it looks good! LOL! ;o)
I'll photograph it later and put it on my website and the other Blog!
Suzanne x
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Bl**dy Carrot Cake
It didn't work.
It's slightly wet and it's heavy. And it just looks 'yuk'.
Oh bloody, bloody hell! Sh*t! B*gger! F*ck!
My sister has a 'thing' about my cakes, anyway. So now this will give her even more to moan about. I'd like to point out that I think my mum and my sister are the only two people who don't like my cakes. Everyone else raves about the taste of my cakes. But not Mum and Debra. And they certainly won't be raving about this f***ing carrot cake.
I am so peed off right now. So upset. And I do not have time to bake another cake, as I need to start decorating it now.
It didn't work.
It's slightly wet and it's heavy. And it just looks 'yuk'.
Oh bloody, bloody hell! Sh*t! B*gger! F*ck!
My sister has a 'thing' about my cakes, anyway. So now this will give her even more to moan about. I'd like to point out that I think my mum and my sister are the only two people who don't like my cakes. Everyone else raves about the taste of my cakes. But not Mum and Debra. And they certainly won't be raving about this f***ing carrot cake.
I am so peed off right now. So upset. And I do not have time to bake another cake, as I need to start decorating it now.
Monday, 3 March 2008
Carrot Cake Troubles
I can't make carrot cake!
I don't think so, anyway. I tried one a while ago... I got the recipe on-line somewhere. It was revolting. I've just tried another one, and although I haven't tasted it yet (it's still hot and still in the tin... it's just come out of the oven) I'm not sure. When I put it into the cake tin, it was a VERY wet mixture... I probably should have added a bit more flour. And I know I've used too much orange zest, 'cause that's all I can smell. This carrot cake is for my niece's birthday cake, for Wednesday. I've baked a 7" carrot cake, a 4" chocolate cake and a 4" lemon sponge. She's having a Minnie Mouse cake. That's the plan, anyway. So I need to spend all day tomorrow decorating, so there's no time to bake another cake instead of the carrot cake. I'll let you know.
On a better note, the Pikachu cake, being collected tomorrow morning, is ready.

I don't think so, anyway. I tried one a while ago... I got the recipe on-line somewhere. It was revolting. I've just tried another one, and although I haven't tasted it yet (it's still hot and still in the tin... it's just come out of the oven) I'm not sure. When I put it into the cake tin, it was a VERY wet mixture... I probably should have added a bit more flour. And I know I've used too much orange zest, 'cause that's all I can smell. This carrot cake is for my niece's birthday cake, for Wednesday. I've baked a 7" carrot cake, a 4" chocolate cake and a 4" lemon sponge. She's having a Minnie Mouse cake. That's the plan, anyway. So I need to spend all day tomorrow decorating, so there's no time to bake another cake instead of the carrot cake. I'll let you know.
On a better note, the Pikachu cake, being collected tomorrow morning, is ready.

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