Saturday, 31 May 2008

In The Night Garden Cake

No, the computer's not playing up. It really is twenty past one in the morning.

I've almost finished the ITNG cake which is being collected on Sunday morning. I have to get it finished ASAP, because I've got another cake to do tomorrow, which is being collected on Monday.

I really like how this ITNG cake is looking. I've done a stepping-stone path on the cake and Iggle Piggle is sitting on the path (on the official ITNG website, it says that Iggle Piggle is the only character to walk on this path). And around Upsy Daisy are little daisies (again, on the official ITNG website, it says that only Upsy Daisy is seen in the daisy patch). And Makka Pakka is... well, he's also there! :oD

I wish I had more time to 'play'. Around the side of the cake, I'd do a washing line, where the Tombliboos hang their trousers up and/or I'd do some little Pontipines and Wottingers. And I'd love to do the Haahoos, too!

But, alas, not this time.

Anyway, as it's half past one and I need to finish this cake first thing, when I get up (and how the heck I'm supposed to do that when hubby is working nights - which means Yours Truly will have to take ds1 to piano lessons at 10am and then after lunch, take both boys to their swimming lessons - is anyone's guess!) I'd better clear the kitchen then go to bed!!!!!

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