Thursday, 3 April 2008


IMBC - Italian Meringe Buttercream.

I made some for the first time last night.

I'm not sure about it. I'm just not sure. At first, I thought it was really sweet. But thinking about it, is it any sweeter than 'normal' buttercream? Probably not. It had the most unusual texture... almost like a mousse. Really, really silky. In fact, I would probably serve it as a mousse at a dinner party!

I made it into chocolate IMBC. And it was a delicious, sweet, chocolate mousse!! I put it in the fridge overnight and it's set really hard - as you'd expect.

But I don't think I'll be doing the teddy with it. It's way too soft.

Might take a wee bit out to have a sweet snack later.... just a little bit in a bowl, as some mousse (once it comes back to room temp, that is.)

Now, can someone just remind me why I'm 2½ stone overweight?????????????????????

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