Saturday, 16 February 2008

Christening Cake and photos...

The cake came out well in the end. I think so, anyway. She got a LOT of cake for her money! To give you an idea, it's on a 18"x14" cake drum. The cake is approximately 14"x9". So most certainly more than the 18-20 portions she needs.

I'm getting really frustrated with taking photos. I can't get the lighting right. Often, I can compensate for that using brightness or colour adjustments on my photo editing software. But it's frustrating that I have to do it all the time. And a lot of my cakes aren't shown off to their fullest, because of my limited photography skills and equipment.

Steve spoke to a photographer yesterday (ok, so it was a police photographer at a post mortem) and he said the best light to take photos in is natural day light. He reckons that if you look at a lot of good food photography nowadays, it's done in a natural light. But I don't always have the luxury of that. I often finish cakes at stupid o'clock and then they're picked up first thing the next day.

Anyway, customer will be here soon to collect the cake, so better finish up now.

Suzanne x

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