Friday, 30 November 2007

HOW busy?

The Spiderman for the 1st was cancelled.

The Teletubby for the 8th was confirmed.

I forgot another cake (a gift, from me, for a friend's 50th birthday) for the 9th December.

The cookie order has increased from 180 cookies to 360 cookies!! However, I've just found out that I can make the cookie dough, cut the cookies out, freeze them and then cook from frozen. So that's something I may start this weekend. That'll save some time when I'm busy later in the month.

I've just coloured some paste so I can start the fairies for the cupcakes, too.

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A few days ago, our computer crashed. Died.

And we didn't have anything backed up. Oh my G-d! Can you imagine losing EVERYTHING? All documents - that's photos of my children, of holidays, OF MY CAKES! My website. All previous and future orders. All my order forms, stationery, correspondence.... you get the picture.

Somehow, my husband eventually managed to get everything back (but it was touch and go for a good while) except for our e-mails. We lost all of them. Including all my contacts. So if you're reading this and you know me, please email me so that I've got your email address again!

Suzanne x

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