Wednesday, 31 October 2007


I knew it was too good to be true. Things were going really well. The carving of the cake (which I hate doing) went well. I covered it in marzipan OK. Despite forgetting to cover the wooden blocks of the plinth in black sugarpaste before sticking it to the cake board, I managed to cover them.

I wasn't worried that I needed to take time out of my working day to go and watch my youngest in one of his lessons at school (there were only 4 mums in total who came, so he was so proud).

But can I covered the flippin' thing with sugarpaste? No. I've tried 3 times. I'm worried that I'm going to overwork the sugarpaste and each time I roll it out I use so much icing sugar that it's going to get really dry! I'm now contemplating doing it in sections. I'd rather not. But if I have to, I will.

I put a message on the British Sugarcraft Guild website on one of their forums, asking for some advice.

Ooooh.... I've just checked and there's a reply:

"This is very similar to the VW Campervans I have done recently. I also find it very difficult to cover this shape in one go. I do it by leaving the paste slightly thicker than I normally would and as I work it into place it thins slightly. I am sure you are finding that it is tearing as you put it in place and try to shape it. The extra thickness allows for this. It makes it a heavier piece of paste to lift into place but it is well worth doing. Good luck!! "

Thank you, Mark. I'll colour up some more paste and give it another go!

OK... I'm off to colour sugarpaste.

Suzanne x

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