Saturday, 30 June 2007

30 Cake with Me To You Teddies - Finished!

It's finished!!

It's on my 'proper' website and on my blog. I'm really pleased with it, actually. And the customer was really happy, too - which is the main thing.

The teddies came out quite well, although I didn't manage to texture them. I tried various things on the sugarpaste, but it just wouldn't take. It was a bit like a sponge or something.... as soon as I texturised it, it just went smooth again. That's because it wasn't just sugarpaste - it's half sugarpaste and half pastillage (which gives it a bit more 'body' and strength). And I decided piping wasn't the way to go with it (not when I'm tired, working late at night and don't have the energy to make another one if it all went horribly wrong!).

But I think you can tell what they're supposed to be. The patch on the head is a giveaway, LOL. And I like the bouquet and the balloon - it really finishes them off!

Suzanne x

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