Last week, I did 30 baby shower cookies. The invitations and napkins were of this design, so she wanted them in colours to match. So I did purple, orange, yellow, green, pink and blue!

Customer was really pleased and emailed me to say " Wanted to let you know that I have recieved the cookies and I am very pleased with your work thank you very much for making all the effort."
Last night, I did another 30 cookies, for my "on-line" friend Hannah, whose baby was due YESTERDAY! I haven't heard from her, so I've no idea whether or not baby is on time or not. But the cookies are done and they look sooo pretty. I'll be posting them first thing tomorrow morning.
Yesterday, another friend of mine picked up the birthday cake I made for her daughter. It was a High School Musical themed cake... her daughter, Lucy, helped design it, too! :o)
I don't have any more orders now until towards the end of the month. Can't say I'm not looking forward to the break, because I am! I've got tendonitis in my feet again and just standing or walking is agony :o(
So, ttfn!